Contact us

We are happy to hear from you, and we thank you for your support for our mission

Via Francesco Selmi 67, Modena (MO) 41121


  • We are always accepting candidates interested in our program.

    For someone applying themselves, you an fill out this form and a team-member will get back to you.

    For a person or organization wanting to make a referral, you can contact our team at

  • Our programs graduate 12-16 women per year who are specialized as cooks or servers, and who are motivated to work in hospitality.

    We happily share job opportunities with our graduates. In order to tell us more, please contact with the job details and a member of our team will get back to you.

  • We appreiate your interest and support of our mission!

    You can send us an email at and our Press Officer will get back to you with more information.

  • AIW is a registered non-profit association and donations are tax-deductible for individuals and companies in Italy.

    For the exact deductible amount, please see the Italian regulations.

    It is also possible fo individuals to donate their 5x1000 to AIW each year when filing their taxes.

    For more information on making a donation, contact our founder Caroline at